So glad that I get to talk to all of you again
this week. I hope that everyone had a good week and a good Valentine's Day. My
week was pretty good, first week in Toronto and it is always just go go go. It
is pretty crazy around here but I am adjusting. But without further ado, let's
get right on into this email!
So my new companion is Elder Hapuku from New
Zealand. He is a super dope guy! We came out the same time so it has been cool
to finally serve with him. Him and I have a lot of fun together and are always
crackin' jokes and spittin' rhymes.
Monday was pretty boring. Since both Elder
Thieme and I were leaving and no new missionaries were coming in we had to do a
deep clean of the apartment. So that took up pretty much all of the day.
Tuesday was transfers. I got to see some
people I haven’t seen in a while so that was nice. Since I don't drive a car in
this area I had to ride down with some other missionaries in the van so we
could get to our area. After we got dropped off, Elder Hapuku and I tried
figuring out what's going on around here since we both transferred in here the
same time. That night we had English Class and it was an absolute blast. Elder
Hapuku and I taught and it was both of our first time actually leading the
class. But they asked us to teach it every time so I guess we did a good job 😂
Wednesday we had district meeting in the
morning. It was pretty good. We got to know the other missionaries a little
more. It is also pretty cool to take public transit everywhere since I don't
have a car anymore. I get to talk to a lot more people and familiarize myself
with the area. Most of that night we spent out in the streets talking to
Thursday we did a lot of planning so we could get
ourselves more familiar in the area. We also went out and talked to some people
and explored more of Toronto. We did some service at this place called Pals
Pantry, pretty much we served food to people. I also broke out my dish washing
skills as I was designated dish washer.
Friday we helped a lady move some stuff out of
her apartment building and into her office. We also went to this place called
the Distillery District and it was pretty sweet. It has a bunch of neon and
sculptures around so it was cool to look at.
Saturday we taught English again in the
morning. We had about 30 people there and it was a freaking blast. Teaching
English is so much fun! I probably enjoy it too much but oh well! After that we
had interviews with President Shields. That night it was the adult session of Stake
Conference so we went to that.
Sunday was Stake Conference. I will tell you
what I haven't seen so many people in a church building ever since I was back
at home! It was crazy the amount of people that were there! City life is so
different than what I have been used to. After Stake Conference we went out and
talked with some people. As well I have started to notice (and it is pretty
weird) for like the past 3 days every time I am on a bus or the subway I catch
people taking pictures of me. I guess it is because I am so dang good looking! 😎 But it is pretty strange.
Monday we had lunch with the Spackmans which
was super dope!! For those who don't remember, they are the Senior Missionaries
in Midland and they came into the mission while I was serving there. So I kind
of "trained" them I guess. It was awesome to see them again and talk
to them. After that Elder Hapuku wasn't feeling too good so he laid down for a
bit while I went through some records. That night we went and gave a lady a
blessing in the hospital so that was pretty legit.
That's all I got for this week! Hope you all
have a great rest of your week. Love and miss you all!!
Elder Murray

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